API Geek

About me
I’m a technology leader with experience at global companies including Dyson, IBM, Microsoft, Red Hat and Yahoo!. I focus on making artificial intelligence accessible and practical for everyone.
Open Source Projects
Speaking Engagements & Slides
- I’m an AI and This Is What Goes on Inside My ‘Brain’ (November 2024)
- Getting Started with AI Coding Assistants (October 2024)
- An Interview With… Me! (October 2024)
- Is AI About to Go Off the Rails? (September 2024)
- Crashing Bots with Killer Convos (September 2024)
- The AI That Dreamed of Being Murakami (May 2024)
- “Unraveling the Intricate Tapestry of AI’s Meticulous Verbosity” (May 2024)
- When an Entire Universe Fits Into a Shoe Box (May 2024)
- The AI Force Awakens (April 2024)
- Turning AI from Dry to Dreamy with a Magic Dial (February 2024)
- The Grand Duel: GPT-4 vs. Google’s Gemini Ultra (February 2024)
- Are Artificial Language Sweeteners Hijacking AI-generated Text? (February 2024)
- Navigating the AI Zoo (January 2024)
- Painting With Pixels: When AI Companions Get Artsy (November 2023)
- What Exactly is my Writing Style? (November 2023)
- Life, Laughs, and Bots: My Lifelong Adventures with AI (September 2023)
- Large Language Models and the Need for a Plan B: Are You Prepared? (September 2023)
- Writing at Lightning Speed: From Idea to Article in 60 Minutes (August 2023)
- How Did You Make These Bots? (August 2023)
- How to Train Your AI: Unleashing Those Digital Dragons (August 2023)
- How Generative AI Rewired my Creative DNA (August 2023)
- Is Generative AI the 易經 of the 21st Century? (August 2023)
- When Robots Write the News, Humans Must Become More Human Than Ever (August 2023)
- When an AI Creates Another AI (July 2023)
- Me, Myself, and AI: Where Does the Line Blur Between Organic and Digital? (July 2023)
- TinyML and AI on the Edge: Can Machine Learning Fit into 256 Kilobytes? (July 2023)
- Playing ‘20 Questions’ with AI (June 2023)
- MLOps: Taking AI/ML From the Basement Into the Boardroom (June 2023)
- The Book I Never Published (May 2023)
- Goldbach’s Conjecture: Can AI and Math Geniuses Crack the Code Together? (May 2023)
- J-Guts and the Titans of IT (May 2023)
- Humans, Bots, and ‘1984’: Two AIs Walk into a Bar (May 2023)
- AI, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once! (April 2023)
- The Infinity Hotel (April 2023)
- An Interview with GPT-4 (March 2023)
- Goodbye, Metaverse. Hello, Real World! (March 2023)
- How To Write a Novel in One Week (February 2023)
- Copy That: Digital Twins and the Future of Manufacturing (January 2023)
- An AI Christmas Carol (December 2022)
- AI and the Future of Humanity (November 2022)
- We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (November 2022)
- How AI Is Changing the Way We Work (October 2022)
- When Huxley Met Samantha (September 2022)
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (August 2022)
- The Imitation Game (August 2022)
- Does Google’s AI Dream Of Electric Sheep? (June 2022)
- Books I’d Love To Read – But They Don’t Exist (November 2021)
- Bedtime Stories from an AI (November 2021)
- Coffee with Stephen Hawking (October 2021)
- Asking your friendly AI about Digital Transformation (October 2021)
- This Article on AI was written by an AI (September 2021)
- Microservices & Agility (german, February 2021)
- The role of organizational culture in Digital Transformation (October 2020)
- The Digital Mindset (August 2020)
- The Fallacy of the One-Stop Shop (June 2020)
- Microservices: Build for Speed, Design for Change (May 2020)
- Get Out Of Your Kitchen! (March 2020)
- Collaborate – Or Die (November 2019)
- Bambleweeny – It’s like WhatsApp, just for Machines (June 2019)
- 50 Lines of Python: Spotify, APIs & OAuth (January 2019)
- Thinking Distributed (May 2018)
- The Intergalactic Guide to Blockchain (January 2018)
- Making Sense of Open APIs (January 2018)
- On APIs and Tools that don’t have one (September 2017)
- Why go cloud? Microsoft Blog (March 2017)
- Did this AI bot feel hungry after looking at all my Instagram photos? (March 2017)
Teaching at National University of Singapore
OpenAI & GPT-3
Conversations with AI
Generated texts and articles
Audio/Video Generation
Audio/Video Transcription
Creating Video Avatars for Voice-Only Explainer Videos
AI generated source code
AI generated artwork and photos
Learning Material, Exercises, Labs & Co
BWV 269 Audio Mixer
An interactive web app that lets you dive into the harmonies of Bach’s chorale BWV 269
Instagram Analysis
Using cognitive services & computer vision to go through a feed of Instagram photos
ISS Tracker
Tracking the International Space station over the course of one day and visualizing the flight path on a Google Earth like globe
LTA Buses Singapore
Google Maps visualization of Singapore’s busy buses.
A refreshingly depressed robot from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - on Twitter!
Face Recognition Photobooth
Look into the camera and it will render dots onto your eyes, a square around your face and take a guess on your gender and age
Big Bang Theory Opening Sequence
Computer Vision AI looking at every single frame and tells us what it sees
UBER Waiting Time
Using APIs to find out how much time I usually spend waiting for my UBER to arrive
Short Jokes via DNS
Not the most visual hack, built just to make a point. You could have an API that you query over DNS/UDP with short TTL using TXT records. Try this: dig sj.sotong.io TXT +short
and you’ll get a short joke (base64 encoded)!
Spotify: Analyze Playlist
Get details and an analysis of a Spotify Playlist
Meetup Groups (Organizer)